Back in stock! Artillerists and Engineers: The Beginnings of American Seacoast Fortifications, 1794-1815, by Colonel Arthur P. Wade, U.S. Army. Paperback, 226 pages. CDSG Original Publication. This work covers a much-neglected subject in American seacoast defense references, the First and Second Systems. Col. Wade’s work is the only detailed reference-work in publication on the subject.
The Historic Fortification Preservation Handbook was prepared by the Pacific Northwest Preservation Partnership consisting of representatives from the National Park Service, the University of Oregon and Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission. The principal authors were David Hansen, Kimberly Keagle and Deborah Rehn. The handbook was published by Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission in 2003.
The Last Missile Site: An Operational and Physical History of Nike Site SF-88 Fort Barry, California by Stephen A. Haller and John A. Martini Go inside a Nike missile site! View the inner workings and relive the day-to-day operations. Told through the eyes of the men and women who stood ready at Site SF-88, THE LAST MISSILE SITE paints a vivid picture of the around-the-clock military mission that protected our nation from aerial attack during the tensest years of the Cold War.
Fort Baker Through the Years: The Post, the Park, the Lodge by Kristin L. Baron and John A. Martini
Artillery at the Golden Gate: The Harbor defenses of San Francisco in World War II. By Brian B. Chin Artillery at the Golden Gate tells the story of the “concrete soldiers,” the US Army coast artillery men who manned the huge seacoast rifles and underwater minefields, guarding the San Francisco harbor during World War II.
CDSG logo shirts, Domestic Shipping. We offer shirts in four colors (red, black, blue, khaki) and four sizes (L, XL, XXL, XXXL) with CDSG logos on the front and back.
Seacoast Artillery Weapons (Technical Manual 9-210, 13 Oct. 1944) by the War Department CDSG Press hard cover reprint of technical manual on the principal types of US Army coast artillery used in WWII. Paperback.
Rings of Supersonic Steel: An Introduction & Site Guide to the Air Defenses of the United States Army 1950-1979 by Mark Morgan and Mark A. Berhow The 3rd Edition of Rings of Supersonic Steel is a completely revised and expanded history of the air defenses of the United States Army from the post-WWII Era to the end of the NIKE era.
To Defend and Deter: The Legacy of the United States Cold War Missile Program by John C. Lonnquest and David F. Winkler The Department of Defense’s official history of the United States Cold War missile program―completely reformatted with all-new color illustrations and photographs not used in the original edition.