Fort Ward
Harbor: Puget Sound
Descriptive location: Beans Point, Bainbridge Island, WA
Years active military: 1900-1934 (Navy 1938-1953)
Named for: Col. (Bvt. Maj. Gen.) George H. Ward 15th Mass. Vol. Inf. Died of wounds received July 3, 1863 at Gettysburg, PA. G.O. 84, June 12, 1903.
New: Fort Ward CDSG reference compendium

Fort Ward 1932
Current Status:
Current name of site: private homes/Fort Ward Park, Bainbridge Island Metro Park
Multiple owners: yes
Private Owners: yes (most of garrison area, mine depot area, Batteries Nash and Warner)
Public Owners: Bainbridge Island Metro Parks and Recreation District (as of 2011)
Public accessibility: Yes for parks,
Museum/Interpretive Center: Fort Ward Bakery Community Hall
Other Facilities: Fort Ward State Park (day use), picnicking, trails, beach access, bicycling, etc..
Contact address/Information:
Battery Nash (3-8″ guns DC)
Battery Warner (2-5″ guns P)
Battery Vinton (2-3″ gun MP)
Battery Thornburgh (4-3″ guns MP)
Garrison: Several remain, mostly privately owned
Fire Control Structures
Mine Stuctures
Searchlight Structures
Reference Documents (click to download):
History and Reference:
Fort Wiki:
PDF Fort Ward Compendium: A 58-page reference compendium of articles, photographs, and data sheets on Fort Ward prepared from the CDSG collection and the Friends of Fort Ward. Click link to download.
Historic Fort Ward website an excellent site covering the history and structures at Fort Ward with great links.
1/2 reservation was State Park, as of 2011 transferred to Bainbridge Island Metro Parks and Recreation. The Fort Ward bakery has been restored for use as a community hall.
- Fort Ward 1932 (NARA)