

Download a CDSG Gear sales sheet to order by mail.

The CDSG is pleased to offer custom-made hats, T-shirts, and patches to our membership. Wearing these hats, T-shirts and patches are a great way to make other aware of the CDSG and its goals. It is also an excellent way to promote new membership in the CDSG.  The CDSG patches are designed especially for the CDSG as these quality patches combine the Coast Artillery Corp, the Ordnance Corp, and the Corp of Engineers symbols to reflect their involvement in U.S. coast defenses.  This logo is also on our hats and T-shirts which is great for showing the CDSG “flag”.

To order your hat, T-shirt, or patch, please go to to order online using a credit card or download the form on this page. Please make your checks out to the Coast Defense Study Group. Allow 6-10 weeks for delivery.

CDSG T-Shirts and Patches

All prices include domestic or international postage, shown as $ domestic/ $ international.

CDSG Hats $20 / $25

CDSG Logo patches $4 / $6

CDSG T-shirts (Black with white ink; L, XL, 2XL, 3XL) $18 / $26

CDSG T-shirts (Red with white ink; L, XL, 2XL, 3XL) $18 / $26

CDSG T-shirts (Khaki with black ink; L, XL, 2XL, 3XL) $18 / $26

CDSG T-shirts (Navy with yellow ink; L, XL, 2XL, 3XL) $18 / $26

Download a CDSG Gear sales sheet to order by mail.