FORT WARD / Bean Point / 1903-(1928)1938 / private, metro park / MD, MC / KKK
Nash /3/ 8″/ DC/1903-1918/ private
Warner /2/ 5″/ P/1903-1925/ private
Thornburgh /4/ 3″/ MP/1903-1920
Vinton /2/ 3″/ MP/1903-1920 / lower rooms filled in
Middle Point Military Reservation / state park / MD, MC / KK
Mitchell/2/ 3″/MP/ 190? NA /across channel from Ft. Ward
FORT WHITMAN /Goat Island /1909-(1947) /state game refuge / MC /KK
Harrison/4/ 6″/DC/1911-1943/
FORT FLAGLER /Marrowstone Island /1898-1954 /state park KKKK
Revere/2/10″/BC/1899-1941/guns to Canada, empl. mod. for 3-in AA
Calwell/4/ 6″/DC/1904-1918
Grattan/2/ 6″/DC/1905-1918
Lee/2/ 5″/BP/1901-1918/guns to Grays Harbor
Downes/2/ 3″/P/1905-1946
Wansboro/2/ 3″/P/1906-1946/2 guns repl. 1960 from Ft. Wint Still Emplaced
AMTB Marrowstone /2/90 mm/F/1943-1946
FORT CASEY / Admiralty Head / 1897-1953 / state park, college extention campus /KKKK
Schenck/8/12″/M/1899-1942/no mortars removed
Seymour/8/12″/M/1899-1942 /mortars held in reserve for temp. batteries
Kingsbury/2/10″/DC/1902-1942/1 empl. mod. for 3-in AA
Moore/3/10″/DC/1904-1942/1 empl. mod. for 3-in AA
Worth/2/10″/DC/1898-1942/ 2 guns repl 1963 from Ft. Wint Still Emplaced, battery being restored
Parker/2/ 6″/DC/1905-1918
Valleau/4/ 6″/DC/1907-1918
Turman/2/ 5″/BP/1901-1918
Trevor/2/ 3″/P/1905-1933/ 2 guns repl 1960 Still Emplaced
Van Horne/2/ 3″/P/1905-1945
FORT WORDEN /Point Wilson /1898-1954 /state park /MD? /KKKKK
Stoddard/4/ 6″/DC/1906-1918
Tolles/4/ 6″/DC/1905-1943/2 guns rem ’18
“Tolles B”// //1937-1946/ 2-6” P from Willapa Bay
Vicars/2/ 5″/BP/1902-1918
Putnam/2/ 3″/P/1907-1945
Walker/2/ 3″/P/1907-1946
AMTB Pt. Wilson/2/90 mm/F/1943-1946/In surf
Ebey’s Landing / private /X
AMTB Ebey’s Lndg/2/90 mm/F/1943-1946/buried
FORT EBEY /Partridge Point /state park /KK
#248/2/ 6″/SBC/1943-1946
Deception Pass / state park /X
North & South/4/ 3″/P/NB
Cape George /private? / X
unnamed/4/12″/RM/ 193? NA
unnamed/4/ 8″/RY//NB?
Angeles Point / private/ K?
unnamed/4/155 mm/PM/1942
CAMP HAYDEN / Striped Peak /county park/state land /KK
#249/2/ 6″/SBC/1945-
FORT HAYDEN (Cape Flattery Military Res.) /Makah Indian Res /X
#250/2/ 6″/SBC/NB
#251/2/ 6″/SBC/NB
Puget Sound, WA: 1921 Maps PDF (541K) 17 pages $0.85/1945 Maps PDF (180K) 4 pages $0.20