This is a selection of 200 quality scanned photos from the collection of Coast Artillery officer Riley E. McGarraugh. This officer served two duty assignments in the Harbor Defenses of Manila Bay. He took hundreds of photos of the defense. This is a selection of some of the best. These are mostly gun battery views, including several for which we have very few surviving images at all (like Battery Maxwell Keyes on Corregidor, Battery Craighhill and Fuger at Fort Hughes, Battery Koehler at Fort Frank). They were taken on a large-format camera, and retain great clarity and resolution. While some shots are of military reviews and target practice activities, none of those selected are of personal or vacation adventures. The vast majority date from 1933-1934. They have never been published and are not available at the archives or other public institutions. These are wonderful images of historical value to anyone with an interest in coast artillery.

Battery Maxwell Keyes 1930s, the MacGarraugh Collection
The collection is recorded as individual jpegs with brief captions in a separate Microsoft Word document on a DVD disk. The nominal price basically represents actual material, postage, and collection acquisition costs.
Price per DVD disk in a jewel case, including postage to the United States or Canada is $20.00. Foreign orders need to be at $30.00 to cover international postage.
Send payment (check, money order, or cash) and mailing address to:
Glen Williford
634 Silver Dawn Ct.
Zionsville, IN 46077
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