Battery Clark
Battery Name: Clark
Harbor: Columbia River
Location: Fort Stevens
Eponym: Capt. William Clark, Lewis & Clark Expedition, GO 43 Apr. 4, 1904
- Battery Clark 2003
- Battery Clark, circa 1935 (Edwin Bartcher collection)
- Battery Clark 2003
- firing practice at Fort Worden, WA, 1930s
Current status: Well maintained by park, open
Information from RCW Form 1 (date): Jun. 30, 1921
Battery commenced: Aug. 1897
Battery completed: Nov. 1898
Date of transfer: Jan. 17, 1899
Material of construction: concrete
Portland or Rosendale cement: Portland
Cost to date of transfer: $71,546.63
Type of data transmission: none
Trunnion elevation in battery: A1-21.47′, A3-21.48′, B1-21.50′, B3-21.47′
Datum plane: MLLW
Sources of electric current: central or reserve power plant
Max. kw. Required for lights: 4.5 kW
Max. kw. Required for motors: none
RCW Form 5 (date): none
Armament: 4 mortars, 2 pits (originally 8 mortars)
A # 1: Cal., 12″: Length, 129.25″: Model, 1890MI: Serial No., 32: Manufacturer, Builders I. fdry: Mounted, CAC
A # 1: Carriage Type, Mor. : Model, 1896MI: Serial No., 121: Manufacturer, Am. Hoist & D. Co.: Motor, none
A # 1: Hoist Type, none
A # 3: Cal., 12″: Length, 129.25″: Model, 1890MI: Serial No., 50: Manufacturer, Watertown: Mounted, CAC
A # 3: Carriage Type, Mor. : Model, 1896MI: Serial No., 122: Manufacturer, Am. Hoist & D. Co.: Motor, none
A # 3: Hoist Type, none
B # 1: Cal., 12″: Length, 129.25″: Model, 1890MI: Serial No., 51: Manufacturer, Watertown: Mounted, CAC
B # 1: Carriage Type, Mor. : Model, 1896MI: Serial No., 237: Manufacturer, Watertown: Motor, none
B # 1: Hoist Type, none
B # 3: Cal., 12″: Length, 129.25″: Model, 1890MI: Serial No., 34: Manufacturer, Watertown: Mounted, CAC
B # 3: Carriage Type, Mor. : Model, 1896MI: Serial No., 133: Manufacturer, Am. Hoist & D. Co.: Motor, none
B # 3: Hoist Type, none
Historical Notes and Comments: Guns and carriages 2 & 4 of pits A & B have been removed for installation at new mortar battery at Ft. Canby. Armament to be salvaged 400.23 (Col. River) CM 14090 11-3-44?