The CDSG Digital Library
The CDSG has digitized an extensive set of historic manuals, reports, records and documents on the harbor defenses of the United States Army. The documents have been broken down to a general collection of manuals and reports (CDSG Documents collection) and also the records of the various harbor defenses so you can order sets of records by coast/harbor defense, or get the complete collection (CDSG Harbor Defense Collection).
- Please note that by buying these documents you are supporting this website and helping to defray the cost of obtaining copies of these documents to scan.
Order the CDSG ePress items directly from Mark Berhow.
—> Contact Mark Berhow by post/email if you are interested in ordering only specific titles <—
Make all checks out to the CDSG Press, or contact mark to use PayPal for Credit Card orders
Send your check and list to:
- Mark Berhow
PO Box 6124
Peoria, IL 61601-6124
American Seacoast Defenses a Reference Guide, 3rd Edition
The third edition of American Seacoast Defenses, a Reference Guide (ASD3) is now available as BOTH hard cover print edition and an electronic PDF document. The third edition features updated and enhanced photographs throughout the book, with an extensive revision of the uniforms and [...]
Documents Specific to each Harbor Defense Part 1
A collection of historical information on the harbor defense structures: batteries, fire control, mine support, searchlights, etc., built at the various harbor locations. PDF listing of all Harbor Defense Document files Reports of Completed Works (RCWs) Reports of completed batteries (RCBs) and reports of [...]
Documents Specific to Each Harbor Defense Part 2
The CDSG Harbor Defense Documents listing continued ... Harbor Defense Project Plans: Annexes & Supplements In the National Archives Record Group 407, Records of the Adjutant Generals Office, 1917-, Entry 366, are filed the various Harbor Defense Projects of the 1930s & 1940s. A [...]
Summary of Documents Arranged by Harbor Defense
PRICING: We provide this as a service to our members and interested researchers. We are charging $50 for the larger and/or combined harbor defenses, $10 for the smaller Harbor Defenses. Delivery by download or USB drives by post are available. SPECIAL OFFER: We are [...]
The CDSG Documents Collection
You can get the entire collection or request specific titles: Please contact Mark Berhow (berhowma@comcast.net) for details A PDF file listing all the files available in the CDSG documents collection can be downloaded here. Annual Reports of the Chief of Engineers (ARCE) 1866-1922: Extracts [...]
PDF documents available from other sources:
HISTORY OF THE 700 AND 800 SERIES CANTONMENT CONSTRUCTION CD ROM: WW 2 and the U.S. ARMY MOBILIZATION PROGRAM: A History of the 700 and 800 Series Cantonment Construction including Historic American Building Survey documentation for Camp Edwards,MA and Fort McCoy, Wisconsin. 552 pages, [...]
Other PDF files available:
U.S. Army Military History Institute (http://www.carlisle.army.mil/usamhi/DL) Several Army documents have been scanned and placed on line as downloadable PDF files.For example: Survey of Japanese Seacoast Artillery, 1946 by GHQ USAFPAC, Seacoast Artillery Board 160pp. This report by a board of coast artillery officers at [...]