Battery Lewis
Battery Name: Lewis
Harbor: Columbia River
Location: Fort Stevens
Eponym: Capt. Meriwether Lewis, of the Lewis & Clark Expedition, GO 43, Apr. 4, 1900
- Battery Walker and Battery Lewis (2003)
- 10 inch gun on M1894 disappearing carriage
- installing a gun at the West Battery (later Lewis & Walker), 1894
Current status: Open to public, maintained by state park. The carriage base ring remains at one emplacement. The concrete and metal in this battery are deteriorating.
Information from RCW Form 1 (date): June 30, 1921
Battery commenced: Sept. 1896
Battery completed: Apr. 1898
Date of transfer: #1- April 5, 1898, #2- April 3, 1898
Material of construction: concrete
Portland or Rosendale cement: Portland
Cost to date of transfer: $302,014.00 (cost includes Batteries Walker & Mishler)
Type of data transmission: none
Trunnion elevation in battery: #1- 34.28′, #2- 34.35′
Datum plane: MLLW
Sources of electric current: Central or Reserve Power Plant
Max. kw. Required for lights: 2.7 kW
Max. kw. Required for motors: none. Battery not in use.
RCW Form 5 (date): none
Armament: 2 gun emplacements
# 1: Cal., 10″: Length, 367.25″: Model, 1888MII: Serial No., 11: Manufacturer, Bethlehem Iron Co. : Mounted, ED
# 1: Carriage Type, Dis. LF: Model, 1896: Serial No., 4d: Manufacturer, Niles Tool Co.: Motor, #30673 Stan. 220V
# 1: Hoist Type, Tay. R.: Delivery, back: Serial No., 96530: Maker, Gen.E.Co.: H.P., 5: Volts, 220: RPM, 1060R-67:
Type of control, #136307: Date of Transfer, Apr. 29, 1905: Remodeled for Long Points, no.
# 1: Cal., 10″: Length, 367.25″: Model, 1888MII: Serial No., 49: Manufacturer, Watervliet: Mounted, ED
# 1: Carriage Type, Dis. LF: Model, 1894: Serial No., 3a: Manufacturer, Kilby Mfg. Co. Motor, removed
# 1: Hoist Type, Tay. R.: Delivery, back: Serial No., 96200: Maker, Gen.E.Co.: H.P., 5: Volts, 220: RPM, 1060R-67:
Type of control, #136299: Date of Transfer, Apr. 29, 1905: Remodeled for Long Points, no.
Historical Notes and Comments: guns shipped away, carriages sold and removed by 1921.