Battery Harvey Allen
Battery Name: Harvey Allen
Harbor: Columbia River
Location: Fort Canby
Eponym: Lt. Harvey A. Allen, died Sept. 20, 1882. GO 194, Dec. 27, 1904.
- Emplacement #3 Battery Harvey Allen (2003)
- Battery Allen (1930s)
- Battery Allen 1935 (Edwin Bartcher)
Current status: All 3 emplacements are clean and open to the public. Visitor’s Center built on parapit of emplacement #1. One powder room has an interpretive display.
Information from RCW Form 1 (date): June 30, 1921
Battery commenced: Aug. 1904
Battery completed: Dec. 1905
Date of transfer: Feb. 27, 1906
Material of construction: concrete
Portland or Rosendale cement: portland
Cost to date of transfer: $58,935.00
Type of data transmission: none
Trunnion elevation in battery: 208.00′
Datum plane: MLLW
Sources of electric current: central power plant
Max. kw. Required for lights: 4.5 kW
Max. kw. Required for motors: none
RCW Form 5 (date): none
Armament: 3 gun emplacements
# 1: Cal., 6″: Length, 309.8″: Model, 1905: Serial No., 13: Manufacturer, Watervliet: Mounted, CAC
# 1: Carriage Type, Dis. LF: Model, 1903: Serial No., 86: Manufacturer, So. Bethlehem: Motor, none
# 1: Hoist Type, none
# 2: Cal., 6″: Length, 309.8″: Model, 1905: Serial No., 17: Manufacturer, Watervliet: Mounted, CAC
# 2: Carriage Type, Dis. LF: Model, 1903: Serial No., 87: Manufacturer, So. Bethlehem: Motor, none
# 2: Hoist Type, none
# 3: Cal., 6″: Length, 309.8″: Model, 1905: Serial No., 16: Manufacturer, Watervliet: Mounted, CAC
# 3: Carriage Type, Dis. LF: Model, 1903: Serial No., 88: Manufacturer, So. Bethlehem: Motor, none
# 3: Hoist Type, none
above guns shipped away; guns transferred from Battery O’Flyng and mounted (1918?), carriage 88 sold & removed
# 1: Cal., 6″: Length, 309.8″: Model, 1905: Serial No., 1: Manufacturer, Watervliet: Mounted, CAC
# 1: Carriage Type, Dis. LF: Model, 1903: Serial No., 86: Manufacturer, So. Bethlehem: Motor, none
# 1: Hoist Type, none
# 2: Cal., 6″: Length, 309.8″: Model, 1905: Serial No., 11: Manufacturer, Watervliet: Mounted, CAC
# 2: Carriage Type, Dis. LF: Model, 1903: Serial No., 87: Manufacturer, So. Bethlehem: Motor, none
# 2: Hoist Type, none
Historical Notes and Comments: guns removed 1918, replaced with two guns from Battery O’Flyng. Eliminated from Harbor Defense Project and ordered disposed of CE 400.93 (Columbia River) CM 130022 dated May 21, 1945.