Battery Frank Crenshaw
Battery Name: Frank Crenshaw
Harbor: Columbia River
Location: Fort Columbia
Eponym: Capt. Frank F. Crenshaw, died June 5, 1900, of wounds received in action at Payapa, Batagas I., the Philippines, GO 194, Dec. 27, 1904
- Battery Crenshaw 2008
- M1898 3 inch gun on M1898 masking parapet mount
Current status: clean, good shpe open to the public. Collars
Information from RCW Form 1 (date): June 30, 1921
Battery commenced: Apr. 1899
Battery completed: #1, #2- June 1900, #3- Oct. 1900
Date of transfer: #1, #2- June 28, 1900, #3- Oct. 29, 1900
Material of construction: concrete
Portland or Rosendale cement: portland
Cost to date of transfer: $15,462.51
Type of data transmission: none
Trunnion elevation in battery: 80.51′
Datum plane: MLLW
Sources of electric current: central power plant or reserve power plant in Battery William Murphy
Max. kw. Required for lights: 0.9 kW
Max. kw. Required for motors: none
Armament: 3 gun emplacements
# 1: Cal., 3″: Length, 154.5″: Model, 1898: Serial No., 97: Manufacturer, Driggs-Seabury: Mounted, CAC
# 1: Carriage Type, Barb. LF (MP): Model, 1898MI: Serial No., 97: Manufacturer, Driggs-Seabury: Motor, none
# 1: Hoist Type, none
# 2: Cal., 3″: Length, 154.5″: Model, 1898: Serial No., 98: Manufacturer, Driggs-Seabury: Mounted, CAC
# 2: Carriage Type, Barb. LF (MP): Model, 1898MI: Serial No., 98: Manufacturer, Driggs-Seabury: Motor, none
# 2: Hoist Type, none
# 3: Cal., 3″: Length, 154.5″: Model, 1898: Serial No., 104: Manufacturer, Driggs-Seabury: Mounted, CAC
# 3: Carriage Type, Barb. LF (MP): Model, 1898MI: Serial No., 104: Manufacturer, Driggs-Seabury: Motor, none
# 3: Hoist Type, none
Historical Notes and Comments: guns removed & shipped away 1918-1920, carriages remained, scrapped after 1921.