FORT STEVENS / Point Adams /1852-(1947) / state park, private / MD, MC / KKKK
Clark /8/12″/ M/1899-1942/4 guns to Canby 1918
Mishler /2/10″/ DC/ 1897-1941/ ARF, covered for HECP 1941
Lewis /2/10″/ DC/ 1897-1920
Walker /2/10″/ DC / 1897-1920
Russell /2/10″/ DC / 1904-1944
Pratt /2/ 6″/ DC/ 1902-1943 / battery being restored with full scale replica of 6 inch gun
Freeman /2/ 6″/ P/ 1902-1920/6″ guns to Willapa Bay, empl. destroyed
&/1/ 3″/ MP/1902-1920
#245/2/ 6″/SBC/1944-1947 /2-5″ naval mounts in empl. as displ 1981
Smur/2/ 3″/MP/1902-1920
AMTB #6/2/90 mm/F/1943-1946/Clatsop Spit
FORT COLUMBIA /Chinook Point /1864-(1947)/state park /MC /KKKKK
Ord/2/ 8″/DC/1898-1917/
&/1/ 8″/DC /1898-1917/Originally named Neary, now buried
Murphy/2/ 6″/DC/1900-1945
#246/2/ 6″/SBC/194? NA /2 guns repl. 1994 from Ft. McAndrew SE
Crenshaw/3/ 3″/MP/1900-1920
FORT CANBY /Cape Disappointment /1852-(1947) / state park, USCG /KK
Guenther/4/12″/M/1921-1942/guns from Stevens
Allen/3/ 6″/DC/1906-1945/3 guns removed 1917, 2 guns replaced 1918
O’Flyng/2/ 6″/DC/1906-1918/guns to Allen
#247/2/ 6″/SBC/1944-1947
AMTB #2/2/90 mm/F/1943-1946/Jetty
Columbia River, OR & WA: 1921 Maps PDF (213K) 17 pages $0.85/1934 Maps PDF (197K) 8 pages $0.40/1946 Maps PDF (492K) 9 pages $0.45