

February 2006


Fort Name: Fort Mott / Harbor Defenses of the Delaware

Current Site Name: Fort Mott State Park

Date of Visit: February 1, 2006

Site Use: New Jersey State Park

Is the Site open to the Public?: Yes
Dates and Hours of Operation:
Summer: (Memorial Day Weekend until Labor Day Weekend)
Open: 8am Close: 7:30pm
Open: 8am Close: 4pm

What type of programs are offered at the Site?:
Living History:
Yes, special events throughout year
Tours: Yes, self guided and guided upon request
Museum Shop: Small.

Restoration Projects:
1. Interior restoration of Administration Building (FUNDED!)
2. Fire Control Switchboard Room stabilization
3. Moisture control in Generating Room
4. New interior floor in Peace Magazine

What is the overall condition of the Site: Good

What is the condition of the Individual Elements?:

Battery Gregg: ­ Excellent
Public access
Battery Harker: ­ Good
Public access to Emp #3 only
Battery Arnold: ­ Good
No public access
Battery Krayenbuhl: ­ Good
Public access to gun emplacements only, no public access to
service area
Battery Edwards: ­ Good
No public access

Generating Room – Good:
Lighting and electricity has been reintroduced into the room

1870s Magazines: ­ Good
Public access to one magazine

Guard House ­ Good: Converted to Park Office, jail cells removed to become public restrooms
Ordnance Building ­ Good: Present site of the park’s museum and the New Jersey Coastal Heritage Trail Welcome Center and gift shop
Post Headquarters ­ Good: Exterior has been restored, awaiting restoration of interior
NCO Duplexes (2) ­ Fair/Poor: One duplex is in a state of disrepair ­ Interior and exterior in need of extensive work. Other duplex is in better condition but also needs exterior and interior work.

Other Elements:
Fire Control Towers:

  • Eastern Tower is restored and open to public. Missing outer central column.
  • Western Tower is deteriorating quickly. Spiral stairs leading up to the top are separating from the center column. Cabin at top in very poor condition.

What is the protective status of the Site?:
National Register:
State Historic Site: Yes

Current Site Owner: State of New Jersey
Current Site Supervisor: Superintendent Vince Bonica
Other Contacts at the Site: Andy Grant, Park Historian
Mailing Address: 454 Fort Mott Road
Pennsville, NJ 08070
Phone: 856.935.3218
Fax: 856.935.7818

Is the site or a responsible individual at the site a CDSG member?: Yes

What information can the CDSG provide to the management of the site?:
Membership material, i.e. poster and membership brochures.

Is there anyone at the site that would submit material for the CDSG Journal?:
Possibly in the future as research progresses.

Any Special Situations at the site: (Damage, Imminent Destruction, Etc.)
NCO Quarters in dire need of stabilization
Western Fire Control Tower in dire need of stabilization

If individual batteries, base-end stations, buildings, etc. are in some way significant, please indicate:

  • Fort Mott has a working BD-74 Fire Control Switchboard
  • 10-inch ammunition hoist in Battery Harker, Emplacement #3 has been restored and functions.
  • Lighting has been restored in Battery Harker, Emplacement #3.
  • Lighting has been restored in the Generating Room
  • Battery Edwards consists of two casemated 3-inch emplacements.
  • Seasonal ferry service to Fort Delaware on Pea Patch Island (May-Sep)

Web Pages:

Official Site:

An excellent site put together by Phil Payette:

Pictures of Living History Events at Fort Mott: