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So far dev has created 71 blog entries.

The Harbor Defenses of Kodiak, Alaska

FORT J.H. SMITH / St. Peters Head, Chiniak / Lesnoi Corp. / KK
#403/ 2 /  8″/ BCLRN / 1944-1950? / 1 gun tube at Buskin River Inn near airport
#295 / 2 / 6″/ SBC / NB
Chiniak / 4 / 155 mm/ PM /

FORT TIDBALL / Castle Bluffs, Long Island /Lesnoi Corp / KK
/#296/2/ 6″/SBC/1944-1950?/2 shields […]


The Harbor Defenses of Dutch Harbor, Alaska

FORT LEARNARD /Eider Point, Unalaska / Unalaska Corp./KK
#298/2/ 6″/SBC/1944-1950?/2 shields (no carr.) remain at site
AMTB 3a/2/90 mm/F/WWII

FORT SCHWATKA /Ulakta Head, Amaknak Is. /Unalaska Corp. /KK
#402/2/ 8″/BCLRN/1944-1950?
#299/2/ 6″/SBC/NB
AMTB/2/90 mm/F/WWII/Amaknak Point
Mt. Ballyhoo/4/155 mm/PM/

Summer Bay/4/155 mm/PM

Hill 400/4/155 mm/PM//Amaknak Is., Fort Mears

Dutch Harbor, AK 1945 annex exhibit maps PDF (1.4MB) 17 pages […]


Other Alaskan positions

/2/ 6″/NP//Cold Bay, Mortensen Pt.
/2/ 6″/NP//Chernofski
/2/ 6″/NP//Umnak, Sheep Pt.
/1/ 6″/NP//George Is.
/2/ 6″/NP//Yakutat, Point Carrew
/2/ 6″/NP//Nome
/2/ 6″/NP//Annette Is.
/2/ 6″/NP//Adak Is.
/2/ 6″/NP//Shemya Is.
/2/ 6″/NP//Popof Is., Sand Point
/4/155 mm/PM//Cold Bay, Mortensen Pt.
/2/155 mm/PM//Umnak, Umnak Pass
/7/155 mm/PM//Umnak?
/4/155 mm/PM//Yakutat, Point Carrew
/4/155 mm/PM//Annette Is.
/?/155 mm/PM//Adak Is.
/?/155 mm/PM//Shemya Is.
/2/155 mm/PM//Attu Is., Murder Point
/2/155 mm/PM//Attu Is., Chichagot Pt.
/8/155 mm/PM//Amchitka Is.
AMTB/2/90 mm/F//NB? Whittier
AMTBs/6/90 mm/F//NB? […]


The Harbor Defenses of Balboa, Panama (Panama Canal Zone, Pacific Side)

FORT KOBBE (ex-Ft. Bruja)/ Bruja Point /Howard AFB to Panama 1999/ KK
Murray/2/16″ /BCLRN/1926-1948/Bruja Pt., casemated-WWII
Haan/2/16″ /BCLRN/1926-1948/Batele Pt., not casemated, empl. buried
AMTB #6/4/90 mm/F/1943-1948
Z (3A)

FORT AMADOR / Balboa / to Panama, 1997; commercial development /K
Birney/2/ 6″/DC/1913-1943/buried
Smith/2/ 6″/DC/1913-1943/buried

FORT GRANT /Balboa /to Panama, 1979 private development /MD, MC /KK
Newton/1/16″/DC/1914-1943/Perico Is., filled to loading platform level
Buell/2/14″/DC/1912-1948/Naos Is.
Burnside/2/14″/DC/1912-1948/Naos Is./
Warren/2/14″/DC/1912-1948/Flaminco Is., […]

2016-06-14T13:57:32+00:00Panama Canal Zone|

The Harbor Defenses of Manila and Subic Bays, the Philippines

FORT MILLS / Corregidor Island / Philippine National Monument / 2-MD, MC /KKKKK
Hearn/1/12″/BCLR/1921/Still Emplaced + spare barrel
Smith/1/12″/BCLR/1921/Still Emplaced
Way/4/12″/M/1910/Still Emplaced
Geary/8/12″/M/1910/part. dest., 6 guns Still Emplaced
Cheney/2/12″/DC/1910/Still Emplaced barrels dism
Wheeler/2/12″/DC/1910/1 Gun Still Emplaced, + spare
Crockett/2/12″/DC/1910/Still Emplaced, (barrels dism) + spare
Grubbs/2/10″/DC/1911/Still Emplaced + spare barrel
RJ 43/1/ 8″/BC/1942/gun barrel at wharf
Morrison/2/ 6″/DC/1910/Still Emplaced + spare barrel
Ramsey/3/ 6″/DC/1911/1 gun Still Emplaced, […]

The Harbor Defenses of Honolulu, Hawaii

FORT RUGER/ Diamond Head/ 1906-now/ Natl. Guard , State Civil Def., State Dept. Land & Nat. Res. / KK
Harlow/ 8-12″/M /1910-1943
Birkhimer/ 4-12″ /M /1916-1943/ rebuilt, site modified
Granger Adams/ 2-8″/ BC/ 1935-1946/ Black Pt., destroyed
#407/ 2-8″/ BCLRN/ 1942 NA/ tunneled into rock
S.C. Mills/ 2-5″ /BP/ 1916-1925/ Black Pt., guns from Mott, destroyed
Dodge/ 2-4.7″ /A/ […]


The Harbor Defenses of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

FORT BARRETTE / Kapolei /1934- / city / county park / KKK
Hatch / 2/-16″/ BCLRN / 1934-1948 / casemated-WWII

FORT WEAVER / Puuloa / 1899 (1922) / Navy Housing / K
Williston / 2-16″/ BCLRA / 1924-1948/ ARF, destroyed
AMTB No. 1 / 2-90 mm/ F / 1943-1945
Weaver / 4-155 mm / PM

FORT KAMEHAMEHA / Queen Emma Point […]


The Harbor Defenses of Kaneohe Bay and the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii

FORT HASE/ Mokapu Point / 1942 / Marine Corps Base, Hawaii /KK
Pennsylvania 3 14″ NT 1945-1948 Ulupau Head, from USS Arizona
Demerritt (#405) 2 8″ BCLRN 1944-1948 Puu Papaa, tunneled into rock
Sylvester 4 8″ RY 1942-1944 RY guns on specially built tracks, later dismounted
French (#301) 2 6″ SBC 1944-194? Pyramid Rock
AMTB 2 90 mm F 1943-1946 […]
